Advanced Cranial Structural Treatments
Pain Relief from Chronic and Acute Issues
When one is in pain, our attitude, and our environment is greatly affected. We can become obsessed with the question “How can I get rid of this pain?”
Pain Relief from Chronic and Acute issues can be realized most effectively with this advanced training and application of Cranial/Structural work. We do not simply address the symptoms, we go after the cause. Determining how to address the issue that is producing neck and/or back pain, or any other part of the body depends on adequate evaluation and addressing of the body’s structure which is at the cause of chronic and acute pain.
Patricia Starr have been helping people find relief from many conditions associated with whiplash flexion/extension injuries, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, degenerative disc disease, hiatal hernias, herniated discs or bulging discs, carpal tunnel, nerve entrapment, sciatica (providing sciatic pain relief), low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain and tailbone pain – that is usually related to the musculoskeletal structure. By addressing and releasing the core distortion pattern through a combination of techniques including deep tissue massages and cranial release they have been able to help clients achieve pain relief, homeostasis, and return to normal function.

Profound and Long-Term Relief From Pain
Some of the most common distortions are joint pain, scoliosis, headaches, back and neck pain, TMJ, fibromyalgia, disc conditions, carpal tunnel, and nerve entrapments to name a few. All pain has a cause and a solution. Cranial/Structural Energetics offers hope for those suffering from acute and chronic pain and dysfunction. The result is long-term rehabilitation from your painful symptoms.
All the therapies below are included within the physical bodywork
SET – Structural Energetic Therapy
Release of structural patterns starting with the cranium, and releasing through the causal core distortion
SCI – Structural Cranial Integration
advanced work on the above
FPI – Facilitated Pathways
Releasing the external cranial nerves through points on the cranium.
We combine several techniques designed to release restrictions and re-balance the body to give us relief from acute and chronic pain with the following:
Releasing constrictions of the Neck

Releasing deep patterns that hold in pain and restriction

Releasing constrictions of the Neck

Patricia Starr
Patricia Starr is an Advanced Body and Energy worker, with over 20 years of experience in this field. She specializes in Advanced Cranial and Body Alignment to maximize optimal health and energy. She patterns her treatments specifically for the individual for maximum benefit.