Energy Medicine Therapies

Energy based medicine is unlocking the next generation of healing. The human body consists of about (70) trillion cells that harmoniously work together. If a small energy deficiency arises in a cell or group of cells, imbalances occur within the body. By creating a resonance similar to those of the body’s own cells, the QRS (Quantum Resonance System) restores cell functioning and penetrates the body, reinforcing weak functional cycles in a natural way using extremely low frequency (ELF) programs, which are equivalent to the natural frequencies.  

Electromagnetic Frequencies



Are you ready to tap into the immense power of your mind-body connection to achieve better balance, health and well-being? AWAKENDmind powered by BrainTap is a cutting-edge brain fitness technology, clinically proven to help optimize your brain health so you can think better, feel better and be better in all areas of your life.

The AWAKENDmind Headset delivers a relaxing experience that combines gentle light and sound therapy delivered to the ears and the eyes. This signaling allows you to reach optimum brainwave states that upgrade your brain for enhanced energy, improved metabolic health, deeper sleep, reduced stress, and so much more!

NES Health Bioscan

NES Health is the only system that addresses all three critical factors for human health and total wellness, allowing you to detect and correct all aspects of the body: its information, energy, and purpose.
It’s worth repeating, that Energy medicine is the future of health. But energy itself is not enough to describe and direct organization. Information is something that is used to direct energy and it is the information that is central; for without it, energy would move chaotically.

QRS Technology

Superior QRS Signal and best in its class workmanship lead to years of satisfaction and the No. 1 rating for all PEMF systems. QRS Stimulates the body’s cells and enhances the cell voltage making cells stronger for a healthier body. QRS provides for a pain free life with vigor and health thru the increase of blood circulation.

 An ultimate anti-aging tool.


Essential Starr – Integrated Healing Arts utilizes the technology of Bio Electro-Stimulation Technology for deeper penetrating, faster, longer lasting pain relief for a more serious acute or chronic condition.

The Avazzia devices are cleared by the FDA as the latest generation of microcurrent, neuromodulation for symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable pain, and adjunctive treatment in the management of post-surgical and post-traumatic pain.

The PSiO

Equipped with a MP3 player, PSiO is a pair of glasses which combines music or relaxation by voice with light stimulation.

Do you suffer from sleep disorders ? Are you permanently tired or even sometimes depressed ?
The PSiO technology offers an innovative, simple and effective solution to rediscover optimum well-being.

Depending on the time of the day and the need, the sessions are tailored in terms of rhythms, colors and eventually relaxing messages.