Mindful Wellness
with Thermography
Thermography is a highly sensitive study of the largest, most intelligent and most available organ of the body: the skin. Thermography analyses skin temperature changes on the surface of the body. The skin is a communication hub that functions as an interactive, bi-directional network of interconnections, sharing information between all systems, including the neurological, immune and endocrine functions and pathways. The skin has the information, and thermography functions as the monitor, measuring and evaluating the metabolic signals and telling the story as it happens.
The skin offers us non-verbal communications about our health that we can see with our naked eyes; color changes can indicate a lack of oxygen, trauma, exposure to chemicals, radiation, hot and cold conditions, embarrassment and stress. It also betrays signs of alcohol and tobacco abuse. These signs, along with visible skin disorders are often a sign of morbidity or advanced damage, even psychological disorders. Thermography, however, gives us a different, more telling look at the skin that we cannot see!

June Drennon
June Drennon is a seasoned Thermographer who has performed thousands of thermography reports over the years. She has seen first hand the value Thermography offers in identifying risk factors and helping to prevent and monitor developing pathology. She believes that knowledge is power and that it is important to have the information to avoid creating an environment that supports the growth of disease. She enjoys helping people empower themselves so that they may be proactive and possess the health and well-being that they desire.
Patient Pre-Thermography Study Instructions
Unless specifically instructed by your physician, you should wait at least three months after any form of surgery (including biopsy), the completion of chemotherapy or radiation before your study.
Avoid any natural or artificial tanning for three (3) days prior to your study.
You must not have had significant fevers (102° or more) within thirty-six hours of your study or have any level of fever on the day of your study. Refrain from a sauna, steam-room or hot/cold packs for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to your study.
There should be no new bruising, rashes or skin irritation on the day of your study.
With your physician’s permission, please do not use the following medications for twelve hours prior to your study: niacin or niacin patch (500 milligrams or more), nitroglycerin or any migraine medication.
Avoid any tobacco use or caffeinated coffee or tea consumption for two (2) hours prior to your study. Avoid vigorous exercise, bathing or showering for one (1) hour prior to your study.
Long hair should be worn up or pulled back off your shoulders prior to your study.
For Breast Imaging: Avoid any vigorous physical stimulation, examination or compression of the breasts (self or clinical examination, ultrasound or mammogram) for at least three days prior to your study.
Do not use any skin creams, lotions, deodorants or powders that may cause inflammation on your breasts or underarms on the day of your study. We recommend women wear a blouse and pants or skirt to your study and please do not wear an underwire bra to the exam.
For Men: The “Men’s Health Study” or “Full Body Study” will require that your abdomen is revealed so it is best to wear brief underwear or a “Speedo”. You will not be required to remove your underwear.